Can Asthma Be Cured Permanently?

Jul 11, 2023 | Action Plan, Control Your Asthma!, PEF, symptoms

Asthma affects nearly 25 million Americans. It’s one of our most common health conditions and it can be very difficult to live with. But is there such a thing as an asthma cure? Below, we consider the different treatments for asthma and how sufferers might prevent asthma attacks.

What Is Asthma?

Asthma is a long-term lung condition. It causes the airways to narrow, swell, and produce extra mucus, making it difficult to breathe.

There are various types of asthma, such as exercise-induced asthma and allergic asthma. Some individuals have more severe forms of the disease than others. And in some cases, asthma may be life-threatening or severely impact your quality of life.

Asthma Symptoms

Asthma symptoms vary. The most common symptoms include:

  • Chest tightness
  • Coughing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Wheezing

More severe symptoms include blue-tinged lips and nails, nighttime breathlessness, and chest pain. Consult your doctor if you’re experiencing these symptoms as they may require urgent treatment.

Asthma Causes

There are multiple causes of asthma. Common asthma causes or “triggers” include:

  • Air pollution: Tobacco smoke and air pollution can trigger asthma.
  • Damp: Mold and damp conditions can irritate the lungs and cause asthma symptoms.
  • Exercise: Some sufferers develop symptoms after intense – or mild – exercise.
  • Occupational exposure: Asthma may be triggered by exposure to chemicals at work.
  • Pets: Allergies to pet hair (such as dog or cat hair) can cause asthma symptoms.
  • Viruses: Seasonal respiratory viruses, like flu, can trigger asthma flares.

But can asthma be cured permanently? Let’s take a look.

Is Asthma Curable?

The short answer? Unfortunately, no.

Asthma is incurable, meaning it’s a lifelong condition. It’s not all bad news, though. Most people with asthma can successfully control their symptoms and live a full life. Let’s consider how you might manage your asthma and avoid attacks.

How to Manage Your Asthma

Asthma management typically involves:

  • Identifying asthma triggers
  • Monitoring your symptoms
  • Taking asthma medication
  • Reviewing your medication regularly

Here are various strategies you can use to manage your asthma more effectively. For personalized advice, reach out to Asthmaniac, the online asthma doctor, today!

Young woman sitting on sofa with hand on neck chest tightness due to asthma symptoms

Asthma Action Plan

The cornerstone of asthma management is the “asthma action plan”.

Your action plan sets out, in writing, what medicines you take and what to do if you’re experiencing a flare. It helps you identify if symptoms are getting worse and when you should seek medical help.

Not only does a plan help you manage your asthma, but it makes it easier for others to support you. For example, you can give your child’s school a copy of their plan. This way, teachers know who to contact in an emergency.


Inhalers are the most common asthma medicine. They can prevent asthma symptoms or relieve them when they do occur.

  • Asthma patients often have preventative inhalers. These inhalers are used to stop symptoms from occurring.
  • Most asthma patients will also have a quick-acting or “rescue” inhaler. You take this during an attack.

It’s important that you’re taking the right inhalers, at the right dose, to manage your asthma.


Other medications are available, especially if inhalers don’t control your asthma well enough. Your doctor might recommend anti-inflammatory medicines, biologic injections, or steroids in tablet form.


Exercising within safe limits could improve your fitness levels. Increased fitness means there’s less stress on your heart and lungs. Some patients, especially those with exercise-induced asthma, might benefit from graded exercise.

It’s important you don’t overdo exercise or training. Consult a doctor before exercising with asthma.

Lifestyle Changes

Making some general lifestyle changes might help reduce asthma symptoms. For example, you might:

  • Avoid damp or moldy places
  • Change your exercise routine
  • Limit exposure to busy crowds during flu season
  • Quit smoking

Asthma Triggers

Avoiding triggers can really help. If you have specific triggers – such as dust mites – then limiting your exposure should be part of your plan. Many patients can avoid, or at least reduce asthma symptoms by simply avoiding triggers.

Natural Remedies

Some patients find natural remedies helpful. Examples of natural remedies include:

  • Breathing exercises
  • Herbal supplements
  • Massage
  • Meditation
  • Mindfulness

Anxiety and stress can worsen asthma symptoms because they increase your heart rate. Reducing stress and anxiety could help you manage asthma.

Take Control of Your Asthma

While there’s no cure for asthma, it can be managed. What you need, though, is the right asthma medicines and an effective action plan.

That’s where the online asthma doctor can help. Whether you need an asthma review or a prescription, we’re here for you. Schedule a consultation today and take control of your asthma!

Do You Need an Affordable Doctor?

As with other chronic diseases, affordability is important for Asthma Control

* The cost of asthma control can be a barrier:

* Many costs of asthma care can exceed what those without insurance can afford.  These include:

* The cost of asthma medication.

* The cost of doctor visits

* The cost pulmonary function testing.

I endeavor to keep my consults to you AFFORDABLE.

I am constantly looking for the best way to get you medication that fits your budget. 

Asthma House Cleaning Tips

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