Asthmaniac Uses ePrescriptions for Your Medicine!

Dec 30, 2020 | Action Plan, Control Your Asthma!, PEF, symptoms

* Electronic prescriptions mean:

..More accuracy in the order, 

..More convenience for you,

..No paper to lose, and

..It’s FAST!

* Asthmaniac sends all orders for prescription medication to the pharmacy of your choice.


Asthma is one disease that cannot be controlled without medication.

When your wheezing kicks in, you need a rescue inhaler NOW!

And to keep your wheezing suppressed, you need a controller medication.

Most asthma patients are sensitive to environment allergens like pollen, dust and smoke.  For them, a trigger control medication protects their airways from ever getting started with narrowing, swelling, and the breathing struggle that follows.

Since these medications are so important to keeping your breathing well, I have designed a clinic that makes prescribing them more efficient.

I send your prescriptions electronically to your preferred pharmacy.

No paper prescription to lose,

And since I send the prescription as part of our scheduled appointments, you can go to the pharmacy with a single goal: pick up your prescribed medication!

Even better: now that Amazon is in the pharmacy game, there’s a pretty good chance you can get more affordable inhalers delivered right to your door!

Asthmaniac is designed to minimize your contact with sick people and make more time for LIFE!

Electronic prescriptions: another key convenience of Asthmaniac!

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