How to Manage Nasal Polyps

How to Manage Nasal Polyps

How to Manage Nasal Polyps

Nasal polyps can be irritating and painful – but what are they and how can you treat them? Here’s a look at what causes polyps in the nasal passages and how you can manage the symptoms in the long term. 

What Are Nasal Polyps?

Nasal polyps are painless, small growths which develop along the nasal passages and sinuses. They typically appear inside both nasal passages – lumps or cysts confined to one side could be caused by other issues which require medical investigation. 

What Causes Nasal Polyps?

Nasal polyps have many causes, but they’re often caused by irritation, swelling, and inflammation in the sinus cavities. Risk factors for developing nasal polyps include:

  • chronic allergies and asthma
  • chronic rhinosinusitis
  • cystic fibrosis

Many times, though, it’s unclear what causes nasal polyps to develop.

What Are the Symptoms of Nasal Polyps?

The symptoms depend on how many polyps you have and how large they are, but here are the most common signs to look out for.

  • Chronic stuffy nose
  • Facial pain over your sinuses
  • Headaches
  • Postnasal drip
  • Pressure in your nose or sinuses 
  • Reduced sense of smell or taste
  • Runny nose
  • Snoring

If you have asthma, you may notice more frequent asthma attacks if you also have nasal polyps. 

It can be hard to tell whether you just have a cold, nasal polyps, or chronic sinusitis. If your congested breathing symptoms last more than 10 days, a doctor visit is in order! Call your doctor right away if you develop any of the following symptoms:

  • Breathing difficulties
  • Double vision
  • High fever
  • Increasingly painful headaches
  • Severe swelling around your face or eyes 

Do Nasal Polyps Always Cause Symptoms?

No. Small polyps – and even some larger growths – won’t cause symptoms if they’re not blocking the nasal cavity. Treatment may not be required if your polyps aren’t noticeable. 

Who Gets Nasal Polyps?

Anyone can get them. However, they are more commonly found in adults. They’re very unusual in children under the age of ten. 

If you have nasal or respiratory inflammation – such as inflammation caused by asthma – you may be more prone to developing them.

Are There Treatments Available?

Treatment is normally aimed at reducing nasal inflammation which can help to shrink the growths. Treatment options include nasal steroids, oral steroids, and sinus surgery to remove the polyps in some cases.  

Do Nasal Polyps Always Require Surgery?

Not always. Surgery is typically only recommended if more conservative treatments – such as nasal sprays – don’t work or if polyps seriously affect your quality of life.

How Can I Properly Manage Nasal Polyps?


Young man with dark hair grimacing and holding his nose highlighted in red to emphasize pain

Although it’s impossible to prevent these polyps, there are steps you can take to manage your symptoms and improve how you feel. 

  • Use nasal rinses: Nasal irrigation using a sterile wash or salt solution can remove irritants from your nasal passages, which could make you feel more comfortable.
  • Control your asthma: Effective asthma management is crucial if you have nasal polyps. Contact Asthmaniac for help controlling your asthma which will in turn reduce inflammation in your airways.  
  • Use a humidifier: Humidifiers can moisten the air around your home, which might improve your symptoms by making it easier for mucus to leave your sinuses.
  • Wash your hands regularly: Virus infections that attach the upper airways can irritate your nasal passages. Although you can’t avoid these pathogens completely, regular hand washing – and avoiding touching your face – can reduce your risk of infection.

Over-the-counter medications, like nasal sprays and anti-allergy medication, may also help you manage your symptoms. 

Symptom management can sometimes depend on the underlying cause of your polyps. Book a consultation with us if you have asthma and you’re concerned that it’s not under effective control.   

Who Can Help With Management of Nasal Polyps?

Getting a doctor visit should be your first step if you’re trying to control nasal polyps.

If you have asthma and suffer from nasal polyps, Asthmaniac can help. As your online asthma doctor, we’re committed to helping you manage your condition so you feel in control of your breathing. Whether you need an appointment quickly or a prescription for new asthma medication, Asthmaniac is here for you. 

Call today or book online to schedule a consultation! 

Do Nasal Polyps Cause Complications?

If the polyps block your air flow, they can make it harder for you to breathe comfortably. You may develop more frequent asthma attacks, and the chronic inflammation can make you more susceptible to sinus infections.  

Careful nasal polyps management can reduce the risk of complications, but there’s always the chance that polyps will worsen or come back after treatment.  

Do you need more help with your symptoms? Learn how to manage nasal polyps.

Do You Need an Affordable Doctor?

As with other chronic diseases, affordability is important for Asthma Control

* The cost of asthma control can be a barrier:

* Many costs of asthma care can exceed what those without insurance can afford.  These include:

* The cost of asthma medication.

* The cost of doctor visits

* The cost pulmonary function testing.

I endeavor to keep my consults to you AFFORDABLE.

I am constantly looking for the best way to get you medication that fits your budget. 

Steroids in Asthma: Why We Need Them?

Why do we use steroids in asthma? * Inflammation of the airways is the underlying problem in asthma * Steroids like Prednisone and Decadron are taken by mouth * Steroids like betamethasone and fluticasone are inhaled like albuterol. * Steroids shut down...

Asthmaniac Blog

Asthmaniac Blog

* is my online asthma clinic 

* Asthmaniac is designed to be affordable, convenient, and reliable.

* Asthmaniac follows national quality standards developed at NIH

* Asthmaniac uses your phone to make your care convenient and engaging

6 Signs Your Asthma Is Getting Worse

6 Signs Your Asthma Is Getting Worse

6 Signs Your Asthma Is Getting Worse

If you have asthma, you are familar with coughing and wheezing. And if you have severe asthma, you may experience breathing difficulties more often than sufferers with a milder condition. 

You have learned that your body will give you signs if your asthma isn’t properly managed – and if your condition is getting worse. Here’s a look at why asthma symptoms can get worse and how you can bring your asthma under control again.   

Does Asthma Get Worse?

It’s not uncommon for asthma to get worse at times. This may be during an isolated incident, such as an asthma attack, or it might last for a longer period.

When asthma gets worse, you might experience a sudden onset of more severe symptoms. Or your symptoms may worsen over a longer period of time – such as a few weeks or even months. 

If there’s a gradual onset of worsening symptoms, the changes can be so subtle that they’re hard to notice at first. However, it’s crucial that you know how to detect when your asthma is flaring up so you can take decisive action. 

Why Has My Asthma Suddenly Got Worse?

Things that make your asthma worse are known as “asthma triggers”. When you know your asthma triggers, it’s easier to work with your doctor to find ways to bring quick relief. 

Here are the most common reasons why people with asthma experience flare-ups.

  • Allergens: If you’re sensitive to tobacco fumes, dust mites, pollen, or other allergens, exposure to these allergens can cause asthma attacks.
  • Respiratory infections: When you’re recovering from a cold or flu, your airways are more irritated than usual, which may worsen your asthma.
  • Exercise: Increasing your activity levels too quickly might trigger an asthma attack.
  • Medication: Some pain medications might cause an asthma flare-up.

Other asthma triggers include mold, stress, damp, and even changes in weather conditions.

Person in white top holding a blue inhaler with a hand over their chest

At Asthmaniac, we can devise a treatment plan to help you bring your condition back under control. If you recognize any of these symptoms of asthma getting worse, book a consultation with us now. 

1. Shortness of Breath 

Shortness of breath is a clear sign that your asthma isn’t under control. This is especially true if you notice breathing problems at rest or during activities which are normally manageable for you. 

Any shortness of breath should be discussed with us urgently.

2. Using Your Inhaler More Than Usual

Are you using your regular inhaler (or quick relief inhaler) more than normal? This is a sign that your controller medication isn’t working for you as well as it should be. 

And even if you’re not using your inhaler more than usual, but it’s not as effective at relieving your symptoms, your asthma severity has changed. 

3. Activity Limitations

Every asthma sufferer has different limitations. Strenuous exercise to one person could be easily manageable by another. It’s important you know what’s manageable for you so you can sense if a change in your asthma is interfering with your normal daily activities.

For example, if you can normally carry groceries but you can’t manage the trip without breathlessness, your asthma may be getting worse. Or if you can’t walk or climb stairs as usual, then this is a warning sign to pay attention to.

If your asthma gets in the way of your normal daily activities, then your condition is not under control. 

4. Nighttime Wheezing and Coughing

Do you wake up during the night due to wheezing, coughing, or shortness of breath? If so, then your asthma could be acting up. 

To be clear, it’s not uncommon to occasionally wake up feeling a little out of breath or wheezy. But it shouldn’t happen often. If you’re reaching for a quick relief inhaler during the night once or twice a week, you need your asthma medication reviewed. 

5. Reduced Peak Flow Readings

Your “peak flow” shows how well your lungs are functioning. Your asthma may be getting worse if:

  • Your peak flow measurements are significantly lower than usual.
  • There are noticeable variations in readings from day to day.

Any change in peak flow readings should be discussed with a clinician. 

6. Chest Tightness

Chest tightness is hard to describe because it feels different for everyone. However, when your chest is “tight”, you might feel like you can’t breathe in or breathe out fully. You may feel like there’s a band across your chest, and it could even be painful to breathe. 

If you have chest tightness, especially at rest, your asthma medication may need to be reviewed. 

What to Do If Your Asthma Is Acting Up

Is your asthma getting worse? You don’t need to put up with it. 

At Asthmaniac, we want to give you back confidence in your breathing. We want to bring your asthma back under control so you can enjoy life without stressing over your condition. We can evaluate your asthma medicine, identify your common triggers, and work out an action plan to get you feeling and BREATHING better. 

It all starts with a telemedicine consultation. Contact us to learn how Asthmaniac can help!

Do You Need an Affordable Doctor?

As with other chronic diseases, affordability is important for Asthma Control

* The cost of asthma control can be a barrier:

* Many costs of asthma care can exceed what those without insurance can afford.  These include:

* The cost of asthma medication.

* The cost of doctor visits

* The cost pulmonary function testing.

I endeavor to keep my consults to you AFFORDABLE.

I am constantly looking for the best way to get you medication that fits your budget. 

Steroids in Asthma: Why We Need Them?

Why do we use steroids in asthma? * Inflammation of the airways is the underlying problem in asthma * Steroids like Prednisone and Decadron are taken by mouth * Steroids like betamethasone and fluticasone are inhaled like albuterol. * Steroids shut down...

Asthmaniac Blog

Asthmaniac Blog

* is my online asthma clinic 

* Asthmaniac is designed to be affordable, convenient, and reliable.

* Asthmaniac follows national quality standards developed at NIH

* Asthmaniac uses your phone to make your care convenient and engaging

What Is Eosinophilic Asthma?

What Is Eosinophilic Asthma?

What Is Eosinophilic Asthma?

If you’ve never heard of “eosinophilic” asthma, you’re not alone. It’s rare compared to other types of asthma, but it can be severe.

Asthmaniac, your online asthma doctor, can help with your diagnosis. In the meantime, here’s an overview of what eosinophilic asthma is and how sufferers can control their asthma.

What Is Eosinophilic Asthma?

Eosinophilic asthma is a subtype of asthma conditions. It’s caused by high numbers of eosinophils (a type of white blood cell) in the bloodstream.

Normally, these white blood cells help your body by fighting off infections. White blood cells cause inflammation, which is normally a helpful process for destroying germs.

For some people, though, the immune system doesn’t respond as expected and the levels of eosinophils are too high. Too much inflammation causes the airways to swell, which leads to breathing difficulties and other signs of severe asthma.

Is Eosinophilic Asthma More Severe?

What’s concerning about this condition is that yes – it’s often associated with severe asthma. If it’s not managed properly, it can reduce a person’s quality of life and cause more frequent asthma attacks.

The good news is that there are treatment options available to help manage the condition. We’re more than happy to discuss possible management strategies with you – book a consultation online today.

Who Does Eosinophilic Asthma Affect?

Eosinophilic asthma causes are still not fully understood, but here’s what we do know about this condition.

  • It typically affects adults aged between 35 and 50 who don’t have allergies.
  • Since it often presents as shortness of breath rather than wheezing, it may not seem like asthma at first.
  • Children and young adults can develop the condition, but it’s rare.

If you’re an adult developing asthma for the first time, you should be checked for this subtype of asthma.

What Triggers Eosinophilic Asthma?

It’s unclear what causes eosinophilic asthma. Unlike some other forms of asthma, which may be triggered by allergens, viruses, or even exercise, there are no obvious reasons why people develop eosinophilic asthma.

Since there’s no obvious trigger, treatment can be more difficult. This is because asthma management often involves avoiding triggers, such as dust or high intensity exercise. However, we’re here to help – contact Asthmaniac to discuss a possible management strategy.

Graphic of doctors listening to lung sounds inspecting lungs for asthma signs

Eosinophilic Asthma Symptoms

The symptoms of eosinophilic asthma vary. However, the most common symptoms associated with this condition are:

  • Chest tightness
  • Chronic sinus infections
  • Coughing
  • Diminished or lost sense of smell
  • Nasal congestion
  • Nasal polyps
  • Shortness of breath
  • Wheezing

Eosinophilic asthma can cause severe symptoms. However, these symptoms can be caused by other conditions. It’s important you receive an accurate diagnosis from a healthcare provider if you think you may have a respiratory condition.

Diagnosing Eosinophilic Asthma

This subtype of asthma may be suspected in adults with asthma which does not respond well to treatment.

  • If eosinophilic asthma is suspected, your doctor may run a test on your white blood cells to check your eosinophil count.
  • Tests such as lung function tests may also be performed to check for swelling in the airways.
  • Other signs, such as nasal polyps, could indicate you are dealing with this type of asthma.

Signs of an Asthma Attack

As with any other form of asthma, it’s important to know the signs that your condition is not properly controlled. Otherwise, you’re at an increased risk of an asthma attack. 

Signs that you may need an asthma review include:

  • Disrupted sleep caused by wheezing, coughing, or chest tightness
  • Inability to perform your normal daily activities
  • Reduced peak flow readings
  • Using your rescue inhaler more frequently

You should seek medical attention if you develop the following symptoms:

  • Blue lips or fingers
  • Fast breathing and heart rate
  • Severe chest tightness
  • Inability to have a conversation due to breathing difficulties
  • No relief from your usual asthma medication

These are signs you may be having an asthma attack which requires prompt medical care.

Eosinophilic Asthma Treatment

Eosinophilic asthma is hard – but not impossible – to manage. 

The condition doesn’t respond well to inhaled corticosteroids, which is a first-line asthma treatment. Fortunately, there is a new type of medication that is very effective for controlling eosinophilic asthma. 

This medication is injected weekly, using a fine needle and syringe, a short distance under the skin. Research studies have demonstrated a potent effect of this type of medicine for reducing inflammation in the airways and cutting down on asthma attacks, oral glucocorticoid dependence, and rescue inhaler use. 

Since eosinophilic asthma treatment is more aggressive, it can cause more severe side effects. These should be discussed with a doctor so you understand the pros and cons.

How Asthmaniac Can Help With Your Eosinophilic Asthma Diagnosis

Do you have eosinophilic asthma? Asthmaniac, your online asthma doctor, can help. Use our telemedicine consultation services to discuss your condition, review your medicine, and devise a treatment plan. We can even update or change your prescription if required – all from the comfort of your own home.

To find out more about what eosinophilic asthma is, or to book an asthma review, contact us now.

Do You Need an Affordable Doctor?

As with other chronic diseases, affordability is important for Asthma Control

* The cost of asthma control can be a barrier:

* Many costs of asthma care can exceed what those without insurance can afford.  These include:

* The cost of asthma medication.

* The cost of doctor visits

* The cost pulmonary function testing.

I endeavor to keep my consults to you AFFORDABLE.

I am constantly looking for the best way to get you medication that fits your budget. 

Steroids in Asthma: Why We Need Them?

Why do we use steroids in asthma? * Inflammation of the airways is the underlying problem in asthma * Steroids like Prednisone and Decadron are taken by mouth * Steroids like betamethasone and fluticasone are inhaled like albuterol. * Steroids shut down...

Asthmaniac Blog

Asthmaniac Blog

* is my online asthma clinic 

* Asthmaniac is designed to be affordable, convenient, and reliable.

* Asthmaniac follows national quality standards developed at NIH

* Asthmaniac uses your phone to make your care convenient and engaging

What Is Exercise Induced Asthma?

What Is Exercise Induced Asthma?

What Is Exercise Induced Asthma?

Do you have breathing difficulties when you exercise? Then you may have something called “exercise induced asthma”.  Let’s take a look at what causes this condition and what treatment options are available.  

What Is Exercise Induced Asthma?

Exercise induced asthma occurs when you experience airway obstruction or inflammation during exercise. In other words, you experience asthma symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, and chest tightness brought on by sports and activities. You might also see this type of asthma referred to as “exercise induced bronchoconstriction” (EIB).  

Is this type of asthma common? Yes. It’s estimated that the condition could affect up to 20% of the population.  

Causes of Exercise Induced Asthma

There are a few causes of the airway inflammation we see in these cases. Typical causes of exercise induced asthma include:

  • Cold air (especially cold, dry air)
  • Vigorous physical activity
  • Breathing through your mouth 
  • Endurance exercise (i.e. working out for a long, steady period of time without rest)

As with other types of asthma, there’s no single cause here. What they all have in common, though, is that symptoms come on once you start exercising. 

What Is the Difference Between Asthma and Exercise Induced Asthma?

If you have asthma, exercise can worsen your symptoms. This is because asthma can be triggered by allergies, medication, stress, and strenuous exercise. In fact, roughly 90% of asthma sufferers who are not in control feel worse during exercise.

However, the main difference is that people with exercise induced asthma don’t have symptoms until they exercise. Meaning, people who don’t have asthma, or who don’t take asthma medication, can develop this exercise-induced bronchoconstriction. 

What if I’m Just Out of Shape?

There’s a huge difference between asthma and being out of shape

  • Asthma typically causes symptoms such as wheezing and coughing rather than just feeling winded. 
  • If you’re a little unfit, the fatigue will pass when you stop the exercise. If you have asthma, your symptoms may continue for at least 10-15 minutes or even longer.
  • People with exercise induced asthma may feel sick or nauseous during exercise. If you’re out of shape, you probably won’t feel this way.

Symptoms of Exercise Induced Asthma

The main symptoms of exercise induced asthma are:

  • Chest pain or tightness
  • Coughing during exercise
  • Shortness of breath while working out
  • Wheezing

Woman outside in park using a blue relief inhaler to relieve asthma

Symptoms usually start within a few minutes of exercising. If you continue exercising, the symptoms get worse about 10-15 minutes in. They can take, on average, up to one hour to resolve (although some people have symptoms for up to 24 hours).

Diagnosing Exercise Induced Asthma

Making the diagnosis of exercise induced asthma depends on special tests, including:

  • Exercise tests e.g. running or walking on a treadmill
  • Lung function tests
  • Listening to your lungs

If you already have asthma, then the diagnosis may be fairly obvious. However, in all cases, we always consider other causes for your symptoms such as heart problems. 

Treatment Options for Exercise Induced Asthma

What is the best treatment for exercise induced asthma? Treatment is unique to the individual. The options include:

  • Quick relief inhaler: What inhaler is used for exercise induced asthma? Albuterol is the go-to inhaler. One approach is to use an inhaler 10-15 minutes before working out to reduce the chance of triggering asthma. 
  • Controller medicines: Depending on your symptoms, you may be prescribed a medicine that suppresses broncho-constriction throughout the day. This could make exercise more comfortable for you.
  • Steroids: Steroid medicine is one option as a controller medicine and it works by preventing inflammation of your airways that makes them more likely to constrict when triggered.

What if I Still Want to Exercise?

You can, in most cases. What’s important is that you challenge yourself safely

  • Consider starting with less intense exercise and advancing the intensity over a 2-3 week period to give your body time to adjust. 
  • Try sports with frequent rest periods so you have time to recover.
  • Exercise in warm environments e.g. indoors.

Get Help With Exercise Induced Asthma Today

Asthma can be debilitating, especially if it’s not controlled properly. But that’s where Asthmaniac, your online asthma doctor, can help. We’re committed to helping you prevent asthma attacks so you can enjoy your life. Book your online consultation today or contact us to learn more about our services.  

Do You Need an Affordable Doctor?

As with other chronic diseases, affordability is important for Asthma Control

* The cost of asthma control can be a barrier:

* Many costs of asthma care can exceed what those without insurance can afford.  These include:

* The cost of asthma medication.

* The cost of doctor visits

* The cost pulmonary function testing.

I endeavor to keep my consults to you AFFORDABLE.

I am constantly looking for the best way to get you medication that fits your budget. 

Steroids in Asthma: Why We Need Them?

Why do we use steroids in asthma? * Inflammation of the airways is the underlying problem in asthma * Steroids like Prednisone and Decadron are taken by mouth * Steroids like betamethasone and fluticasone are inhaled like albuterol. * Steroids shut down...

Asthmaniac Blog

Asthmaniac Blog

* is my online asthma clinic 

* Asthmaniac is designed to be affordable, convenient, and reliable.

* Asthmaniac follows national quality standards developed at NIH

* Asthmaniac uses your phone to make your care convenient and engaging

Asthma House Cleaning Tips

Asthma House Cleaning Tips

Asthma House Cleaning Tips

Keeping a clean and dust-free home is crucial for individuals with asthma, as it helps reduce the risk of triggering asthma symptoms. But deep cleaning a house with asthma can be hard–even light cleaning of a house with asthma can be hard if the conditions are wrong.

In this blog, we will share 21 practical house cleaning tips for asthma sufferers to help you maintain a clean and asthma-friendly living environment. From choosing the right cleaning products to implementing effective cleaning techniques, these tips will ensure a healthier and more comfortable home for people with asthma.

#1. Opt for Asthma-Friendly Cleaning Products:

Choose cleaning products labeled “asthma-friendly” or “non-toxic.” These products are formulated to minimize respiratory irritants and are less likely to trigger asthma symptoms.

#2. Avoid Strong Chemicals:

Harsh chemicals found in some cleaning products can exacerbate asthma symptoms. Opt for natural or environmentally friendly alternatives whenever possible to reduce the amount of potential problems.

#3. Read Labels Carefully:

Before purchasing cleaning products, read the labels to identify any potential triggers for asthma. Look for products that are fragrance-free, since artificial scents can be problematic for individuals with asthma.

#4. Dust Regularly:

Dust accumulation can be a major asthma trigger. Dust surfaces, furniture, and electronics using a damp cloth or a microfiber cloth to capture the dust instead of spreading it in the air.

#5. Vacuum with a HEPA Filter:

Invest in a vacuum cleaner equipped with a High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter. HEPA filters trap small particles, such as dust mites and allergens, ensuring cleaner indoor air.

#6. Use Exhaust Fans:

When cleaning areas prone to moisture, like bathrooms and kitchens, use exhaust fans to vent out humidity and prevent the growth of mold and mildew, which can trigger asthma symptoms.

#7. Wash Bedding in Hot Water:

Bedding collects dust mites and allergens over time. Wash your bedding, including pillows and mattress covers, in hot water (130°F or above) to eliminate these triggers.

#8. Remove Mold Promptly:

Mold is a potent asthma trigger, and getting rid of mold also reduces allergens. If you spot any mold growth in your home, take immediate action to remove it. Clean affected areas with a solution of water and bleach or consult a professional if needed.

#9. Reduce Clutter:

Minimize clutter in your home as it can collect dust and impede proper cleaning. Keep surfaces clear and organized to make cleaning easier and reduce asthma triggers.

#10. Clean Air Conditioners Regularly:

Dirty air conditioners can circulate dust and allergens throughout your home. Clean or replace the filters regularly and have the unit professionally serviced to maintain good indoor air quality.

#11. Use Baking Soda as a Natural Cleaner:

Baking soda is a versatile and non-toxic cleaning agent. Use it to scrub surfaces, eliminate odors, and remove stains without triggering asthma symptoms.

#12. Clean in a Well-Ventilated Space:

Open windows and doors while cleaning to ensure proper ventilation. This helps in removing any airborne irritants or fumes from cleaning products that may trigger asthma symptoms.

#13. Wear a Mask and Gloves:

Protect yourself from inhaling dust and cleaning product fumes by wearing a mask and gloves. This helps reduce exposure to potential asthma triggers during cleaning tasks.

#14. Avoid Strong Fragrances:

Air fresheners, scented candles, and other fragranced products can emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that worsen asthma symptoms. Opt for fragrance-free alternatives or natural options like essential oils.

#15. Regularly Wash Soft Furnishings:

Wash curtains, rugs, and other soft furnishings regularly to remove dust mites and allergens. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for washing or seek professional cleaning services if necessary.
Someone cleaning a sink with a spray bottle and rubber gloves

#16. Keep Windows and Doors Closed:

To minimize the entry of outdoor allergens, such as pollen, keep windows and doors closed, especially during peak allergy seasons.

#17. Clean Pet Areas Regularly:

If you have pets, clean their bedding and vacuum the areas they frequent to reduce the presence of pet dander, a common asthma trigger.

#18. Avoid Feather Dusters:

Feather dusters can disperse dust into the air rather than capturing it. Opt for microfiber cloths or electrostatic dusters instead.

#19. Clean and Maintain Your Vacuum Cleaner:

Regularly clean and maintain your vacuum cleaner to ensure optimal performance. Empty the dust canister or change the bag outside to prevent dust and allergens from being reintroduced into your home.

#20. Establish a Cleaning Routine:

Create a cleaning schedule and stick to it. Consistent cleaning helps prevent dust and allergen buildup, reducing the risk of triggering asthma symptoms.

#21. Seek Help if Needed:

If cleaning tasks aggravate your asthma symptoms or if you have severe allergies, consider hiring professional cleaners who specialize in asthma-friendly cleaning methods.

The Bottom Line

By implementing these 21 tips for house cleaning with asthma, you can create a cleaner and healthier home environment. Remember, regular cleaning, proper ventilation, and using asthma-friendly products are key to reducing asthma triggers and improving indoor air quality. Take control of your living space and breathe easier with these practical strategies for maintaining an asthma-friendly home.

Find Out Tips for Cleaning Your Home with Asthma

Do You Need an Affordable Doctor?

As with other chronic diseases, affordability is important for Asthma Control

* The cost of asthma control can be a barrier:

* Many costs of asthma care can exceed what those without insurance can afford.  These include:

* The cost of asthma medication.

* The cost of doctor visits

* The cost pulmonary function testing.

I endeavor to keep my consults to you AFFORDABLE.

I am constantly looking for the best way to get you medication that fits your budget. 

Steroids in Asthma: Why We Need Them?

Why do we use steroids in asthma? * Inflammation of the airways is the underlying problem in asthma * Steroids like Prednisone and Decadron are taken by mouth * Steroids like betamethasone and fluticasone are inhaled like albuterol. * Steroids shut down...

Asthmaniac Blog

Asthmaniac Blog

* is my online asthma clinic 

* Asthmaniac is designed to be affordable, convenient, and reliable.

* Asthmaniac follows national quality standards developed at NIH

* Asthmaniac uses your phone to make your care convenient and engaging

No Insurance? Asthmaniac Will Help You!

No Insurance? Asthmaniac Will Help You!

No Insurance? Asthmaniac Will Help You!

No Insurance is Not a Problem at Asthmaniac!

Got asthma?

⇨ No Insurance?

Asthmaniac was made for you!

Affordable doctor visits!

State-of-the-Art Asthma Care.

 All online!


No Insurance = No Problem

Asthmaniac was designed to deliver asthma care to asthma sufferers that:

.. don’t have insurance

.. don’t have a doctor

.. have too much anxiety because this.

 I will be your asthma doctor.

I charge an affordable, fair price for:

.. having your doctor on your smartphone

.. making sure you have rescue inhalers

.. making sure you have state-of-the-art medicine for asthma control

.. making sure you KNOW how to manage your asthma day-to-day

.. making sure you have access to the latest medicine for asthma

.. making sure you have the best tools for self-management

If you have  well controlled asthma, you need four doctors visits a year to make sure that you have all of your needed medicines prescribed, that your asthma hasn’t changed into a more severe type, and to make sure you know how to respond if your breathing gets worse.

Asthmaniac puts a doctor in your back pocket, coaching you to greater confidence and less anxiety about your asthma.

Uninsured Asthma Care.

A core feature of Asthmaniac!

Remember our hashtag: #asthmacarenow And keep Breathing Easy!



Do You Need an Affordable Doctor?

As with other chronic diseases, affordability is important for Asthma Control

* The cost of asthma control can be a barrier:

* Many costs of asthma care can exceed what those without insurance can afford.  These include:

* The cost of asthma medication.

* The cost of doctor visits

* The cost pulmonary function testing.

I endeavor to keep my consults to you AFFORDABLE.

I am constantly looking for the best way to get you medication that fits your budget. 

Steroids in Asthma: Why We Need Them?

Why do we use steroids in asthma? * Inflammation of the airways is the underlying problem in asthma * Steroids like Prednisone and Decadron are taken by mouth * Steroids like betamethasone and fluticasone are inhaled like albuterol. * Steroids shut down...

Asthmaniac Blog

Asthmaniac Blog

* is my online asthma clinic 

* Asthmaniac is designed to be affordable, convenient, and reliable.

* Asthmaniac follows national quality standards developed at NIH

* Asthmaniac uses your phone to make your care convenient and engaging

Can Asthma Be Cured Permanently?

Can Asthma Be Cured Permanently?

Can Asthma Be Cured Permanently?

Asthma affects nearly 25 million Americans. It’s one of our most common health conditions and it can be very difficult to live with. But is there such a thing as an asthma cure? Below, we consider the different treatments for asthma and how sufferers might prevent asthma attacks.

What Is Asthma?

Asthma is a long-term lung condition. It causes the airways to narrow, swell, and produce extra mucus, making it difficult to breathe.

There are various types of asthma, such as exercise-induced asthma and allergic asthma. Some individuals have more severe forms of the disease than others. And in some cases, asthma may be life-threatening or severely impact your quality of life.

Asthma Symptoms

Asthma symptoms vary. The most common symptoms include:

  • Chest tightness
  • Coughing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Wheezing

More severe symptoms include blue-tinged lips and nails, nighttime breathlessness, and chest pain. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, get an exam quickly.

Asthma Causes

There are multiple causes of asthma. Common asthma causes or “triggers” include:

  • Air pollution: Tobacco smoke and air pollution can trigger asthma.
  • Damp: Mold and damp conditions can irritate the lungs and cause asthma symptoms.
  • Exercise: Some sufferers develop symptoms after intense – or mild – exercise.
  • Occupational exposure: Asthma may be triggered by exposure to chemicals at work.
  • Pets: Allergies to pet hair (such as dog or cat hair) can cause asthma symptoms.
  • Viruses: Seasonal respiratory viruses, like flu, can trigger asthma flares.

But can asthma be cured permanently? Let’s take a look.

Is Asthma Curable?

The short answer? Unfortunately, no.

Asthma is incurable, meaning it’s a lifelong condition. It’s not all bad news, though. Most people with asthma can successfully control their symptoms and live a full life. Let’s consider how you can manage your asthma and avoid attacks.

How to Manage Your Asthma

Asthma management involves:

  • Identifying asthma triggers
  • Monitoring your symptoms
  • Taking asthma medication
  • Reviewing your medication regularly

Here are a number of strategies you can use to manage your asthma more effectively. For a personalized plan, make an appointment with Asthmaniac, your online asthma doctor, today!

Young woman sitting on sofa with hand on neck chest tightness due to asthma symptoms

Asthma Action Plan

The cornerstone of asthma management is the “asthma action plan”.

Your action plan describes in writing what medicines you take and what to do if you’re experiencing a flare up of asthma symptoms. It helps you identify if symptoms are getting worse and when you should seek medical help.

Not only does a plan help you manage your asthma, but it makes it easier for others to support you. For example, you can give your child’s school a copy of their plan. This way, teachers know how to respond to a breathing problem and who to contact in an emergency.


Inhalers are the most common asthma medicine. They can prevent asthma symptoms or relieve them when they do occur.

  • Asthma patients often have preventative inhalers. These inhalers are used to stop symptoms from occurring.
  • Most asthma patients will also have a quick-acting or “rescue” inhaler. You take this during an attack.

It’s important that you’re taking the right inhalers, at the right dose, to manage your asthma.


There is a variety of medications available to control asthma, including anti-inflammatory medicines, biologic injections, or steroids in tablet form.


Exercising within safe limits improves your fitness level. Increased fitness means there’s less stress on your heart and lungs. Some patients, especially those with exercise-induced asthma, can benefit from graded exercise rather than avoiding it altogether.

It’s important you don’t overdo exercise or training. Consult Asthmaniac before embarking on a new, intense exercise plan  with asthma.

Lifestyle Changes

Making some general lifestyle changes might help reduce asthma symptoms. For example, you might:

  • Avoid damp or moldy places
  • Change your exercise routine
  • Limit exposure to busy crowds during flu season
  • Quit smoking

Asthma Triggers

Avoiding triggers can really help. If you have specific triggers – such as dust mites – then limiting your exposure should be part of your plan. Many patients can avoid, or at least reduce asthma symptoms by simply avoiding triggers.

Natural Remedies

Some patients find natural remedies helpful. Examples of natural remedies include:

  • Breathing exercises
  • Herbal supplements
  • Massage
  • Meditation
  • Mindfulness

Anxiety and stress can worsen asthma symptoms because they increase your heart rate. Reducing stress and anxiety can help you manage asthma.

Take Control of Your Asthma

While there’s no cure for asthma, it can be managed. What you need, though, is the right asthma medicines and an effective action plan.

That’s where the Athmaniac, your online asthma doctor can help. Whether you need an asthma review or a prescription, we’re here for you. Schedule a consultation today and take control of your asthma!

Do You Need an Affordable Doctor?

As with other chronic diseases, affordability is important for Asthma Control

* The cost of asthma control can be a barrier:

* Many costs of asthma care can exceed what those without insurance can afford.  These include:

* The cost of asthma medication.

* The cost of doctor visits

* The cost pulmonary function testing.

I endeavor to keep my consults to you AFFORDABLE.

I am constantly looking for the best way to get you medication that fits your budget. 

Steroids in Asthma: Why We Need Them?

Why do we use steroids in asthma? * Inflammation of the airways is the underlying problem in asthma * Steroids like Prednisone and Decadron are taken by mouth * Steroids like betamethasone and fluticasone are inhaled like albuterol. * Steroids shut down...

Asthmaniac Blog

Asthmaniac Blog

* is my online asthma clinic 

* Asthmaniac is designed to be affordable, convenient, and reliable.

* Asthmaniac follows national quality standards developed at NIH

* Asthmaniac uses your phone to make your care convenient and engaging

Do You Need an Affordable Doctor?

Do You Need an Affordable Doctor?

Do You Need an Affordable Doctor?


What does “affordable” mean?

It could be what you pay out-of-pocket before you have met your deductable (assuming you have health insurance).


If you don’t have health insurance, you probably think of affordability in the following ways:

… what it costs to go to the ER (thousands?!!),

… what it costs to see a regular doctor (assuming you can find one that will give you an appointment, around $150)

…  what it costs to go to an urgent care (around $150).

Well, I can do better than that.  I keep my per visit price to nearly half of an urgent care or regular office visit. 

With Asthmaniac, it is all online/on-the-phone, and all about asthma.  

If you are looking for top quality asthma care at an unbeatable price with back-pocket convenience, Asthmaniac is your ‘clinic’!

As with other chronic diseases, affordability is important for Asthma Control

* The cost of asthma control can be a barrier:

* Many costs of asthma care can exceed what those without insurance can afford.  These include:

* The cost of asthma medication.

* The cost of doctor visits

* The cost pulmonary function testing.

I endeavor to keep my consults to you AFFORDABLE.

I am constantly looking for the best way to get you medication that fits your budget. 


The cost of medical care is a big deal.

People have lost their homes due to medical bills.

People in the U.S. routinely postpone medical care because of the cost.

So while I am focused on accurately diagnosing your asthma and prescribing essential medication, I can’t lose sight of the costs to you.

All of my effort, logic, dedication, training and energy are completely undone if you cannot afford a consultation with me in the first place.

My commitment in the design of Asthmaniac is to keep the price you pay for visits with me, fair and reasonable.

I do not control the cost of asthma medicine but will do all I can to find discounted medication for my patients.

Many of my patients do not have health insurance to pay for medical care. 

This means they have to pay cash for their care.  When balancing how to spend their cash, they have to find the best value for their medical care.

That means getting the most for the least.

Even patients with high-deductible health insurance have to pay out-of-pocket until their deductible is met. So they too are interested in the best value.

I am committed to designing a method that asthma patients can actually afford to use.

A method that keeps them breathing deeply, sleeping soundly, and striding through their days with new confidence in managing their asthma.

Asthmaniac is that method.


Do You Need an Affordable Doctor?

As with other chronic diseases, affordability is important for Asthma Control

* The cost of asthma control can be a barrier:

* Many costs of asthma care can exceed what those without insurance can afford.  These include:

* The cost of asthma medication.

* The cost of doctor visits

* The cost pulmonary function testing.

I endeavor to keep my consults to you AFFORDABLE.

I am constantly looking for the best way to get you medication that fits your budget. 

Steroids in Asthma: Why We Need Them?

Why do we use steroids in asthma? * Inflammation of the airways is the underlying problem in asthma * Steroids like Prednisone and Decadron are taken by mouth * Steroids like betamethasone and fluticasone are inhaled like albuterol. * Steroids shut down...

Asthmaniac Blog

Asthmaniac Blog

* is my online asthma clinic 

* Asthmaniac is designed to be affordable, convenient, and reliable.

* Asthmaniac follows national quality standards developed at NIH

* Asthmaniac uses your phone to make your care convenient and engaging

Your Asthma Control Is Our Mission

 Same Day Appointments are Available.


Telemedicine for You!

Steroids in Asthma: Why We Need Them?

Steroids in Asthma: Why We Need Them?

Steroids in Asthma: Why We Need Them?

Why do we use steroids in asthma?

* Inflammation of the airways is the underlying problem in asthma

* Steroids like Prednisone and Decadron are taken by mouth

* Steroids like betamethasone and fluticasone are inhaled like albuterol.

* Steroids shut down inflammation in asthma

* Lung inflammation in moderate asthma can be controlled but not cured.


The basic problem in asthma lungs is inflammation.

Inflammation means swelling, oozing, and fragility of the lining of breathing tubes.

This inflammation leads to extra mucus production and this mucus, along with swelling in the walls of these tubes, creates a extra resistance to air flow.  

When these breathing tubes are inflamed with swelling and mucus, the effort to move air, especially out of the lungs, can be exhausting.

My goal is to help you keep a lid on this inflammation.  In asthma, there will always be a tendency for it to get out of control.

But, with the right medication and avoidance of triggers, you can stay out of the ER, get restful sleep, and be as active as an Olympic athlete!

Now, when the inflammation is out of control, we have only one choice.


The most potent and fast acting medicine we have for this is corticosteroids.  

We say steroids for short.  

This isn’t the type of steroids injected by weight lifters to make big muscles – those are called anabolic steroids..  

Corticosteroids work inside the walls of breathing tubes to block the inflammation process.

They work, but their action is not immediate.

Prednisone and Dexamethasone are the most common forms used in non-hospitalized asthma patients.

These steroids are taken by mouth, or if your breathing is really bad, they are given intravenously.

Either medicine must be taken for 3-5 days straight for the full effect.

After these medicines shut down the inflammation process in the breathing tubes, we are in a position to launch a new asthma action plan that includes stronger controller medicine in the form of inhaled steroids, also called controllers.

These inhaled corticosteroids have dramatically changed the course of asthma.  

Lives have been saved and many days of disrupted sleep, work, & school have been prevented. 

For more severe asthma sufferers, there are new medications – biologics, that make even more dramatic improvements in severe asthma control.    

For most moderate asthma patients, inhaled corticosteroids will be a cornerstone of their asthma action plan.

Finding the right type of steroid, the frequency that works, and the one that you and your insurance company accept is a really important part of asthma care.

If you are using your albuterol rescue inhaler daily and aren’t using a steroid inhaler, you need one.  

If you are using your albuterol rescue inhaler more than two times per week and you ARE on a steroid inhaler, you need a change that delivers more steroid either per dose or more times per day.

If you are ready to make a change, grab an appointment and lets talk!




Do You Need an Affordable Doctor?

As with other chronic diseases, affordability is important for Asthma Control

* The cost of asthma control can be a barrier:

* Many costs of asthma care can exceed what those without insurance can afford.  These include:

* The cost of asthma medication.

* The cost of doctor visits

* The cost pulmonary function testing.

I endeavor to keep my consults to you AFFORDABLE.

I am constantly looking for the best way to get you medication that fits your budget. 

Steroids in Asthma: Why We Need Them?

Why do we use steroids in asthma? * Inflammation of the airways is the underlying problem in asthma * Steroids like Prednisone and Decadron are taken by mouth * Steroids like betamethasone and fluticasone are inhaled like albuterol. * Steroids shut down...

Asthmaniac Blog

Asthmaniac Blog

* is my online asthma clinic 

* Asthmaniac is designed to be affordable, convenient, and reliable.

* Asthmaniac follows national quality standards developed at NIH

* Asthmaniac uses your phone to make your care convenient and engaging

Your Asthma Control Is Our Mission

 Same Day Appointments are Available.


Telemedicine for You!

Phone Doctor Visits: They Work For Asthma Control!

Phone Doctor Visits: They Work For Asthma Control!

Phone Doctor Visits: They Work For Asthma Control!

*  Quality Asthma care depends on self-management by you – the patient.

*  A large part of my role as your physician is teaching you these self-management skills.

*  The techniques you will use to assess your breathing are:

*  The Asthma Control Test – to track your symptoms.

*  Your Peak Expiratory Flow – to track your lung function.

*  We will “meet” regularly to discuss your self-assessments by phone rather than in-person.

*  These phone visits and your frequent use of the Asthmaniac website are designed to keep your asthma controlled.

*  Phone consults helps you avoid illness exposure and is more conveient than driving to sit in a waiting room!


Asthmaniac is based on the National standards for asthma care.

Those standards tell doctors to teach their patients how to assess their everyday symptoms and lung capacity.

Years of research has led to the creation of a solid symptom assessment tool (Asthma Control Test or ACT).   This is a survey that you can complete yourself and then report to me.

Research has also shown that lung performance, or how well you are able to breath out (Peak Expiratory Flow or PEF), can be measured using a simple, pocket-sized flow meter.

In my Asthmaniac clinic, I will ask you to use a simple flowmeter to record your number several times each week.

I will teach you how to use this number in conjunction with your Action Plan to best manage your symptoms.

I use ACT scores in planning updates to your medications, dosages, and your Action Plan.

The great thing about having these two proven methods of assessing your asthma is that we can conduct our entire asthma appointment on the phone!


On the phone!

That means you can get your Asthmaniac appointment on a lunch break, walking down the street, or wherever you are.

One place you won’t be is sitting?

A doctor office waiting room – waiting to catch a virus!

Phone appointments: a key convenience of Asthmaniac!

Grab an appointment and we can get your asthma care optomized!


Do You Need an Affordable Doctor?

As with other chronic diseases, affordability is important for Asthma Control

* The cost of asthma control can be a barrier:

* Many costs of asthma care can exceed what those without insurance can afford.  These include:

* The cost of asthma medication.

* The cost of doctor visits

* The cost pulmonary function testing.

I endeavor to keep my consults to you AFFORDABLE.

I am constantly looking for the best way to get you medication that fits your budget. 

Steroids in Asthma: Why We Need Them?

Why do we use steroids in asthma? * Inflammation of the airways is the underlying problem in asthma * Steroids like Prednisone and Decadron are taken by mouth * Steroids like betamethasone and fluticasone are inhaled like albuterol. * Steroids shut down...

Asthmaniac Blog

Asthmaniac Blog

* is my online asthma clinic 

* Asthmaniac is designed to be affordable, convenient, and reliable.

* Asthmaniac follows national quality standards developed at NIH

* Asthmaniac uses your phone to make your care convenient and engaging