Do You Need an Affordable Doctor?

Oct 5, 2024 | Control Your Asthma!


What does “affordable” mean?

It could be what you pay out-of-pocket before you have met your deductable (assuming you have health insurance).


If you don’t have health insurance, you probably think of affordability in the following ways:

… what it costs to go to the ER (thousands?!!),

… what it costs to see a regular doctor (assuming you can find one that will give you an appointment, around $150)

…  what it costs to go to an urgent care (around $150).

Well, I can do better than that.  I keep my per visit price to nearly half of an urgent care or regular office visit. 

With Asthmaniac, it is all online/on-the-phone, and all about asthma.  

If you are looking for top quality asthma care at an unbeatable price with back-pocket convenience, Asthmaniac is your ‘clinic’!

As with other chronic diseases, affordability is important for Asthma Control

* The cost of asthma control can be a barrier:

* Many costs of asthma care can exceed what those without insurance can afford.  These include:

* The cost of asthma medication.

* The cost of doctor visits

* The cost pulmonary function testing.

I endeavor to keep my consults to you AFFORDABLE.

And, I am constantly looking for the best way to get you medication that fits your budget. 

 I am committed to designing a method that asthma patients can actually afford to use.

A method that keeps them breathing deeply, sleeping soundly, and striding through their days with new confidence in managing their asthma.

Asthmaniac is that method.



FLOVENT: GOING, GONE! Background: Flovent is an inhaled corticosteroid asthma controller medicine that is widely used to prevent asthma attacks.  It is administered using an Metered Dose inhaler (MDI). The company that makes Flovent, GlaxoSmithKline, has...

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