Asthma House Cleaning Tips

May 23, 2024 | Control Your Asthma!

Keeping a clean and dust-free home is crucial for individuals with asthma, as it helps reduce the risk of triggering asthma symptoms. But deep cleaning a house with asthma can be hard–even light cleaning of a house with asthma can be hard if the conditions are wrong.

In this blog, we will share 21 practical house cleaning tips for asthma sufferers to help you maintain a clean and asthma-friendly living environment. From choosing the right cleaning products to implementing effective cleaning techniques, these tips will ensure a healthier and more comfortable home for people with asthma.

#1. Opt for Asthma-Friendly Cleaning Products:

Choose cleaning products labeled “asthma-friendly” or “non-toxic.” These products are formulated to minimize respiratory irritants and are less likely to trigger asthma symptoms.

#2. Avoid Strong Chemicals:

Harsh chemicals found in some cleaning products can exacerbate asthma symptoms. Opt for natural or environmentally friendly alternatives whenever possible to reduce the amount of potential problems.

#3. Read Labels Carefully:

Before purchasing cleaning products, read the labels to identify any potential triggers for asthma. Look for products that are fragrance-free, since artificial scents can be problematic for individuals with asthma.

#4. Dust Regularly:

Dust accumulation can be a major asthma trigger. Dust surfaces, furniture, and electronics using a damp cloth or a microfiber cloth to capture the dust instead of spreading it in the air.

#5. Vacuum with a HEPA Filter:

Invest in a vacuum cleaner equipped with a High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter. HEPA filters trap small particles, such as dust mites and allergens, ensuring cleaner indoor air.

#6. Use Exhaust Fans:

When cleaning areas prone to moisture, like bathrooms and kitchens, use exhaust fans to vent out humidity and prevent the growth of mold and mildew, which can trigger asthma symptoms.

#7. Wash Bedding in Hot Water:

Bedding collects dust mites and allergens over time. Wash your bedding, including pillows and mattress covers, in hot water (130°F or above) to eliminate these triggers.

#8. Remove Mold Promptly:

Mold is a potent asthma trigger, and getting rid of mold also reduces allergens. If you spot any mold growth in your home, take immediate action to remove it. Clean affected areas with a solution of water and bleach or consult a professional if needed.

#9. Reduce Clutter:

Minimize clutter in your home as it can collect dust and impede proper cleaning. Keep surfaces clear and organized to make cleaning easier and reduce asthma triggers.

#10. Clean Air Conditioners Regularly:

Dirty air conditioners can circulate dust and allergens throughout your home. Clean or replace the filters regularly and have the unit professionally serviced to maintain good indoor air quality.

#11. Use Baking Soda as a Natural Cleaner:

Baking soda is a versatile and non-toxic cleaning agent. Use it to scrub surfaces, eliminate odors, and remove stains without triggering asthma symptoms.

#12. Clean in a Well-Ventilated Space:

Open windows and doors while cleaning to ensure proper ventilation. This helps in removing any airborne irritants or fumes from cleaning products that may trigger asthma symptoms.

#13. Wear a Mask and Gloves:

Protect yourself from inhaling dust and cleaning product fumes by wearing a mask and gloves. This helps reduce exposure to potential asthma triggers during cleaning tasks.

#14. Avoid Strong Fragrances:

Air fresheners, scented candles, and other fragranced products can emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that worsen asthma symptoms. Opt for fragrance-free alternatives or natural options like essential oils.

#15. Regularly Wash Soft Furnishings:

Wash curtains, rugs, and other soft furnishings regularly to remove dust mites and allergens. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for washing or seek professional cleaning services if necessary.
Someone cleaning a sink with a spray bottle and rubber gloves

#16. Keep Windows and Doors Closed:

To minimize the entry of outdoor allergens, such as pollen, keep windows and doors closed, especially during peak allergy seasons.

#17. Clean Pet Areas Regularly:

If you have pets, clean their bedding and vacuum the areas they frequent to reduce the presence of pet dander, a common asthma trigger.

#18. Avoid Feather Dusters:

Feather dusters can disperse dust into the air rather than capturing it. Opt for microfiber cloths or electrostatic dusters instead.

#19. Clean and Maintain Your Vacuum Cleaner:

Regularly clean and maintain your vacuum cleaner to ensure optimal performance. Empty the dust canister or change the bag outside to prevent dust and allergens from being reintroduced into your home.

#20. Establish a Cleaning Routine:

Create a cleaning schedule and stick to it. Consistent cleaning helps prevent dust and allergen buildup, reducing the risk of triggering asthma symptoms.

#21. Seek Help if Needed:

If cleaning tasks aggravate your asthma symptoms or if you have severe allergies, consider hiring professional cleaners who specialize in asthma-friendly cleaning methods.

The Bottom Line

By implementing these 21 tips for house cleaning with asthma, you can create a cleaner and healthier home environment. Remember, regular cleaning, proper ventilation, and using asthma-friendly products are key to reducing asthma triggers and improving indoor air quality. Take control of your living space and breathe easier with these practical strategies for maintaining an asthma-friendly home.

Find Out Tips for Cleaning Your Home with Asthma